
Picture of the Vitruvian Man
By prosidea 31st Mar, 2021
Leonardo da Vinci was a painter, scientist, inventor, and genius with the mindset of a true entrepreneur. He dreamed big, believed in his vision(s), and worked hard to turn them into reality. H...
Graphic of a notepad that says "do the right thing"
By prosidea 31st Mar, 2021
Running away from your mistakes is never a good idea because it can have fatal consequences for your business. No matter how difficult the situation may seem, being upfront and honest will posi...
Laptop displaying two people on a video call
By prosidea 31st Mar, 2021
As entrepreneurs, we want to see our ideas flourish and become the most raved about solutions! We want to see our product, invention, app and idea catch the eye of investors and reach as many people locally and internationall...
Bird's-eye view of a team sitting in lounge chairs around a table
By prosidea 31st Mar, 2021
No amount of individual knowledge and experience can be compared to the power of a team. A team of experts could be the most important secret weapon you can have when launching a great product, service or app. â...
Racecar pulling up to a pit stop
By prosidea 31st Mar, 2021
Are you worried your product/app will lose the momentum if it doesn’t get to the money-making stage quickly? Are you ready to sacrifice the last stages of your product’s journey to make that happen? The rush you are ex...

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